Small Town Marketing Blog provides tips and tricks to help market and promote your products and services in a small town.
7 Ways to Improve Your Health Care Marketing Strategy
One key element of a successful business is a strong marketing strategy, a plan of action that fits the specific industry, and for the healthcare provider, it can be quite comprehensive. The trick is to capitalize on “word-of-mouth” however that can be quite tricky considering your main competitor is your chosen insurance providers. The objective is to get people walking through the door, so you can provide them with an amazing patient experience, in which they will share with others.
This begins with a strong digital presence. The internet is where people go to find you, and learn all about the services you provide and the majority of those people can and will research their decision before they choose.
Online search for healthcare providers is the 3rd most popular internet activity
80% of American web users look online for health information
44% of American web users look online for information about doctors or other health professionals
Don't panic, you have some control of how visible you are on the web and it all comes down to the quality of content you have online.
Your website is the digital face of your practice, therefore it should look good. When a potential patient is scrolling through the multitude of providers, it only makes sense that you will be judged based on what your website is saying about you:
A professionally designed website delivers a sense of comfort and stability. You want those visiting your site to feel you are well established, therefore a well-designed site with a medical appearance will ease the prospect into further review.
Your website should not only explain all your services, it should also be informative. When someone is looking for a medical professional, it’s because they need to. They want answers, it’s your job to give them a source and provide them with a solution to their problem.
Online appointment scheduler. Provide them a way to set an appointment and half the battle is one. (21% of patients book appointments online.) If they find a nice website for a provider that has answers, and they can set an appointment immediately, problem solved.
Provide them with the ability to preregister, saving them and your practice valuable time.
A great website can do most of the work for you by making it simple for the patient to see the value in what you provide.
Today, ensuring your website is mobile ready is vital for success.
1/3 of patients search via phone or tablet
44% schedule an appointment via mobile device
People are relying more and more on their phones to do virtually everything, so when they start searching for a doctor, your website better be view-able on their phone.
Interesting fact, 58% of healthcare providers use blogs to educate their patients. Blogging is a great way to drive traffic to your website, especially when you are writing about specific symptoms and conditions.
41% of searches start with symptoms
38% of searches start with specific conditions
Your blog should be informative enough for the reader to find value in what you are writing, and give them a sense of comfort in your ability. Educate your future patient on how you can help and provide a link that directs them to your appointment scheduler , you may find yourself hiring more staff to handle the overflow.
Social Media
People are talking about your services, and they are doing it at an unprecedented rate. Before social media it was just informing those they knew and came across. These days, one person can inform literally 1000’s with one click. 12% of all your clients can and will post online about an experience at your office, make sure it is a good one.
Social media plays a role in your visibility as well. The more traffic linking to your site, the better off you are when it comes to search. It’s High School all over again and the popular kids are getting all the attention. If you want to be seen, be sure you're dating the quarterback.
These days one cannot survive on Facebook alone. Your digital presence should be everywhere. I realize this takes time, I suggest either outsourcing or hiring someone to do it. The ROI is priceless and your practice will benefit in a multitude of ways.
Your social media and blog should contain plenty of video.
YouTube traffic to healthcare providers has increased 119% year-after-year
30% who watched a video booked an appointment (have a link to scheduler)
43% watch testimonials
64% watch to learn about your practice
56% watch videos to learn about procedures
Video drives online engagement and if you're not providing something, you're missing a great opportunity. Have a variety of video’s that will educate your prospective clients on such things as:
What you do and how you do it
How to deal with health insurance companies
Follow your videos up with testimonials and have a link directly to the appointment scheduler and you have a recipe for success. I suggest using a high quality photographer for all your video and image needs, this will add an even more professional appearance to you and your practice.
Direct Marketing
As a healthcare provider, your efforts cannot be focused on digital alone. Many providers have great success using direct mail campaigns to inform the neighborhood on:
Who they are
What they do
How to reach them
Provide special offers and free consultations
Direct mail is a cost effective way to reach a very large target audience and will surely bring in plenty of new clients.
Be sure you have plenty brochures and rack cards on hand. Share them with like-minded services, so they may help get the word out about your business. Creating a couple strategic alliances with your fellow healthcare providers is a great way to grow your business, so be sure you have plenty of high quality marketing collateral to share, making it simple to connect with you.
Get involved with the Community
You are a healer. That is an amazing profession, and if you show the people you generally care about them, than they will follow you for life.
Get involved with the community by helping out with school organizations, local events and sponsor a local sports team. Show the people you aren't doing it for the money and the people will love you.
The Message
The message you are sending is key. If you're your message revolves around
wellness and preventative care, your missing the mark. All human behavior, at it's root is related to escaping some form of pain, therefore as a healer provide them with relief.
People don't seek out a doctor for entertainment, they do so because they need you. You entire strategy should revolve around how you can help by providing a solution to whatever ails them. They won’t waste time seeking you out, they want answers and they want them now. Make it easy for them to find you and your half way there.
Pain is a great motivator, so be great and sharing how you relieve it. If you're focusing on your digital content, be sure to provide solutions to the pain. If you're sending direct mail, your message should acknowledge their pain and your call to action should direct them to your practice so you can take it away.
Looking to get Noticed? "Go Mobile!" (and I'm not talking about smartphones)
These days we are all looking for viable solutions that will get our brand and message seen. We spent countless dollars on social media, direct marketing and other alternatives, just to get a ROI that in many cases is...well... less then desirable.
Don’t get me wrong. Every business is different, but if you have the opportunity to get your message 30,000 and 70,000 impressions a day, you may want rethink your brand strategy.
Sound like another social media ad?
I’m talking about Movable Media
Imagine providing your prospects a chance to see your message 82 hours a year. In some areas such as the beltway, you’re getting over 200,000 views of who you are, how you can help and how to get a hold of you each and every day. Today, the average American travels over 300 miles each week, wouldn’t it be a good idea to capitalize on that, and show of your brand in a way that is artistic, high-energy and just down-right fun?
According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America:
Vehicle graphics can reach an astounding 95 percent of Americans. This statistic clearly indicates the effectiveness of "moveable media." Compared to traditional advertising, such as television commercials, radio spots, print ads and billboards, vehicle graphics offer an unprecedented opportunity for businesses to take their messages to previously-inaccessible audiences.
Hell, this guy knows:
If your downtown, you may have seen The Kush Gods sporting their two beautifully wrapped Mercedes and Mercedes SUV, offering free pot brownies “for a small donation”. Who can miss this?
Now, although the law is still a bit "on the fence" regarding their practices, the brand is well represented and everywhere they go, they get noticed. I can't suggest wrapping your car in marijuana, or any other illegal substance, but please take notice of genius brand marketing in action using a well designed and very well done vehicle wrap. (PROPS)
Brand it Right
Let’s face it. Consumers are getting more and more sophisticated. According to recent survey:
Brands that appear on vehicle graphics are 15 times likelier to be recalled by consumers
92 percent of respondents claim to actually read the copy on fleet graphics
30 percent make buying decisions based on mobile advertisements on vehicles
Emotional influence is a key factor when using this type of marketing making it very powerful. The use of images allows you to get personal. Images bring to mind feelings, and if you know anything about marketing feelings are everything. Make a prospect feel good, happy, excited, comfortable or get them to laugh, and you’ve just turned that prospect into a new client.
If your still not convinced, ask this guy how his Movable Marketing Strategy is working for him.
First time I saw this ad by F.H. Furr I almost slammed on my brakes! I was like, “Who is the crazy man!?” and then I saw the name, and I haven’t forgotten it since.
If you’re in the service or transportation industry this is a great way for you to gain exposure all over the region. Vehicle wraps aren’t for everyone though. It’s all about being sensible with your marketing dollars. Let me know if you’re interested in these or other printed marketing material. I have connections in multiple fields and would love to sit down and discuss how we can best meet your needs.
Patrick Cox has been working in the marketing industry for well over 25 years and has a firm understanding of both traditional and digital marketing solutions. Feel free to email him at patrick@thecre8iveconsultant.com or call him up at 703-870-4117.
*Although we could certainly handle any of the work in these images , the Cover image was found on http://www.dpccars.com/gallery/index.php/Creative-Car-Wraps/Creative-Car-Wraps-01
How to Like a Facebook Page as your Business
Your Facebook Business Page is your digital storefront and when you let other pages know how much you enjoy their content by “Liking” their page, it’s often they return the favor. Learn how…